Green Facts

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Polystyrene foam, a.k.a. Styrofoam is a major component of modern pollution. Styrofoam apart from being deadly to the environment, is also known to be able to affect the human body! Food containers or cups made from Styrofoam leach – Styrene, has proven that when come in contact with warm food & drinks, alcohol, oils and even acidic foods can cause human contamination and poses a direct health risk to consumers.

Our PP food container can be a very good alternative replacement the Styrofoam products. Costs are reasonable cost and had been proven safe whilst in contact with food and beverages under the SGS commission regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 test. It’s ability to withstand temperatures of as low as -20degC and as high as 110 degC for reheating purposes specifically in the microwave oven without posing future harm to the body and the environment.

Biodegradable plastic

An oxo-biodegradable addictive is added into plastic components c such as PP, PS, PE, etc before the manufacturing process which results in oxo-biodegradable plastic product. It is recyclable as ordinary plastic product and degradable as well over a span of time. This however, it is not combustible which means the plastic product will not dissolved fully in the environment.

In fact, the presence of the microorganisms in a landfill causing it to turn into microplastic. Microplastic possess a severe danger to our environment especially the vast open sea. Once plastics find their way to the open sea, mankind will then be having their hands filled of recycling the plastic wastes there.

We understand the importance of biodegradable plastic and hence, in year 2020 we are glad to offer our PP food containers which is 100% biodegradable. Under the PAS 9017 test, our products are able to “self-destruct” by turning itself into a wax which is then digested by bacteria and fungi. Contact us for more information.


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